There are several chords that may seem difficult (or at least new & different) to learn. However, with some explanation, you will see that they are quite easy to play. Look for some upcoming notes on how to play this song.
Page One
Notes---Page One
(1) Page One's "Intro" (and also the beginning of page two--- the "Intro" to the Bridge), there are three chords--- a progression from C to C# to D--- You already know your C and D chords. We just have to connect the C and D--- with the C# chord.The easiest way to navigate this progression--- without utilizing Barre Chords--- is to play your "D" chord one fret back (in the first fret)--- playing only three or four strings. This is the C# chord. Then just slide the C# up one fret into your "D" chord.
(2) Playing the Gmaj7 chord--- here is a chord chart for Gmaj7.
- The two fretted notes of this chord are played with the Ring (3rd) and Index (1st) fingers. This represents two of the three (two--thirds) of the "G" chord.
- The note played by the Middle (2nd) finger is instead MUTED by the TOP -- or Ring (3rd) finger. This is done by simply leaning the Ring finger in slightly toward the fifth (5th--A) string until it no longer sounds.
- It will take a bit of practice to master this technique, but it really isn't a major obstacle. You should get the hang of it after a few tries. Keep at it-- and don't give up-- until you've got it mastered. Then it will eventually become second nature to you.
(3) E minor Walkdown--- I included three of the four chord names--- these are extremely simple one--finger chords. Not difficult--- you should be able to learn them easily.
- They incorporate a walkdown ---from the Em into the Bridge. The first three (Em-- Em [w maj7]-- and Em7) are on the same (4th) string. The final chord-- (A9)-- is on the fifth (5th) string. After these four one-finger chords, the song proceeds into the Bridge with the SAME Intro as at the song's beginning.
- The walkdown starts with the 4th string-- 2nd fret and walks down to 4th string---1st fret, then to 4th string-- Open, and then to the 5th string--- 4th fret.
- On the first three chords---starting on the fourth (4th) string, you also strum the three open strings (3rd, 2nd, 1st)--- and then---
- On the last chord--- starting on the fifth (5th) string, you will MUTE the fourth (4th) string--- [see the Notes on the Gmaj7 chord above]--- and then strum the same three open strings (3rd, 2nd, 1st) as on the other three chords.
Here is a simple TAB diagram of these four chords.
Page Two
Notes---Page Two
- Playing the Emaj7 Chord. Chord Progression from E-- to Emaj7-- to E7.
Here is the Chord Progression from E-- to Emaj7--- to E7. The fingerings here are important-- there are basically two ways to play the chords.
- I prefer the first way--- playing "E" with 1--2--3 --- playing "Emaj7" with 1--2--3--- and playing E7 with 1--2 This involves some "switching" fingers on all of the chords. It just seems more natural to me to play the "E" and "E7" in the normal way.
- Some start by playing the "E" chord with 2--3--4 --- then playing "Emaj7" with 1--2--3 by lifting the "4" finger and putting down the "1" finger on the fourth (4th--D) string--- and the "E7" is played with 2--3
There is a short ENDING part not included on the TAB--- actually, it is composed of two short bits of the song. You play the short three-bar "INTRO" at the top of Page 2, and then the short "INTRO" at the top of Page 1--- combined, they form the song ending. You end by playing the "G" chord.